A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Friday, May 18, 2012

End of the School Year Events

Or, The Beginning of the End, at least

Today was Hannah's Pre-K graduation.  That's her beloved teacher, Ms Patti, reading the story.

How in the world did we go from this:

to this:

in what seems like a blink?
(okay, so it's been 17 months.  Still.)

The Big Kids still have another 2 weeks of school, so I've set aside some art projects/schoolwork/activities for Hannah to work on while we're doing school.

Look at this picture.  Look at all her hair.  Now scroll back up to the bottle-feeding shot.  No hair.  That alone tells me that some time must have passed.  

But I remember this:

like it was yesterday.
(disclaimer: no car seats in China, don't go postal on me)

It only *looks* like she's about to thwack the other kid, I swear.  

My big 5 year old girl.  We know which K class she'll be in at her new school next year, but we haven't heard yet what track she's on, so I have no idea when school starts for her.  Her summer may be long or short, who knows?  But with the enthusiasm she has for everything in life, I'm sure it will be full of fun.  She's already asking to go to the pool.  

And this?  My big boy reading an original poem at tonight's poetry coffeehouse.  

I could have sworn he was just this adorable little guy a couple years back.  Not a decade.  
Here we are at the end of 8th grade.  Teetering on the brink of High School.

We owe many thanks to some wonderful teachers & staff at his school. 
Like our beloved Mrs T. 
Middle School has not been fun for him (or us, as parents), but we're sooo close to being done.

Don't blink, mamas.  

I know it sounds so cliche, but it's TRUE.  It goes by so fast.
I'm so grateful I was HERE for my kids' childhoods.
And I can't wait to see what happens next.

1 comment:

  1. oh it is SO TRUE! it goes incredibly fast - I can see that already. super cute pictures and congrats on the milestones!
