...School time!
When you get a 36# box from your curriculum publisher, you know back to school can't be far off.
Cracking open the seal on these boxes is such fun. I get to see and touch and figure out what we're going to be learning this year.
All of us, not just the kids. I learned lots of interesting things last year, too.
I'm excited about the art and music component this year. I had to laugh. Your curriculum might be a winner if...
...if your child starts reading it, right out of the box!
Eli's been devouring the Percy Jackson books, and he tells me they have a lot of Greek mythological characters in them. So when he saw this Trojan horse book, he snapped it right up and read the whole thing.
We read the Percy Jackson books while doing Ancient History and it really did motivate and interest the kids so much!