A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bugs, plural

My first car looked a lot like this.

You know the game Slug Bug?

In our family, we play it a little differently.  

Someone calls out, "White one!"

and someone else says, "What are you thankful for?"

Then the person who called it shares something, big or small, that they are thankful for.

"Red one!"

I'm going to pretend you asked me what I'm thankful for.

I am thankful that in my 2 decade parenting career, this is only the second time we've had to deal with


Got an email from a parent in Hannah's class late last night saying to check her head because some other kids have it, and voila, we have a new vocabulary word.  

I won't pretend not to be a little squeebed out by it, but I'm just going to deal with it and move on, because that seems to be my theme song these days.  

Wish me luck.

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  1. Ugh...no fun at all! On the bright side, it is not scabies :)

  2. You had a car..........till now I had no car, but I have the driving license..

  3. Ack! We have been there! Some tips...be DILIGENT. No room for low key when it comes to these buggers. Show no mercy! ;-). Treat everyone, everything. Then, Tea Tree Oil or a GOOD Tea Tree shampoo act as a repellant. They don't care for gels/hairspray. Use conditioner, too.

  4. PS. You can add a few drops of the oil to your shampoo....
