A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pictures of Brianna

The other night, when the light was just right, I headed outside with a couple of the kids to take pictures.

Brianna is a fun and cooperative model, even when the sun is right in her eyes.

It seems like a good idea to capture a few shots of her, as she changes from homeschooler to high school kid.

School is going well for her so far.  There's always a new story or some drama to hear about on the way home.

Shall we get artsy and call this "Teetering on the Brink of Womanhood"?

My pretty girl.

She doesn't realize how beautiful she is.  It's got to be hard to be in Annaliese's shadow.

The next four years will be full of ups and downs, I'm sure.

But at the end of them, we'll have another grown up.

I wonder who she will be when she emerges from her chrysalis.

A lovely, talented, fun young woman.

Ready to face the world.

Wherever it may take her.

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  1. She IS lovely, inside and out. You can sense it right on the computer screen.

  2. What beautiful pictures of your daughter!

  3. Great photos! Looks like you both had fun with them.

    1. Thanks! It's fun having a construction site behind our house that we can use as a backdrop. ;)

  4. You have such beautiful family! I hope your daughter would grow up to be the lady you wish her to be.

    1. Thank you. They are a lot of work, but a lot of fun, too. :)

  5. What a lovely family you have. Yes the wonder of coming into their own!

    1. Having two grown up children, it's interesting to me to see them spread their wings and become adults. Even as kids, each is their own person, but the choices they make when they grow up take them even further into their uniqueness.
