I really like the resurgence of artistic pastimes in recent years. The paint your own pottery studios, the wine and painting shops; they meet our need to create beauty. Choose Friendship has found a way to bring home the experience of painting with an instructor!
My Painting Party pairs the desire to create with today's technology, making it easy for anyone, ages 8 and up, to paint recognizable works of art.
The My Painting Party app is very user friendly. It walks you through your options, one screen at a time.
Brianna, who is 17, selected an advanced painting, because she has quite a bit of artistic experience. Hannah, who is 9, will start with the beginner level. As a homeschooler, I love the fact that I can use this app with all my children, or even for hosting a party or playdate with my kids' friends.
Of the advanced options, Brianna selected the Anchor piece. There are video instructions for a total of 18 different paintings in the 3 skill levels: 8 beginner works, 7 intermediate options, and 3 advanced choices. (There's even a unicorn painting for my LLR friends!)
The My Painting Party kit comes with everything you need to make 3 masterpieces. It has brushes in 3 sizes, with nice squishy grips on the handles. There are 5 colors of paint, which can be mixed to create endless colors and shades. And there are 3 canvases with nifty stand up easels on the back.
Brianna chose to do some blending on her background, so it's not exactly like the example, but it's her own, unique interpretation of it.
Once she had the background painted, she paused the step-by-step video instructions to allow the paint time to dry.
Soon it was time for the anchor. You can also see the pencil marks she's drawn to plan for the next part of the painting.
Brianna has reviewed a couple of other Choose Friendship products over the years, too.
Choose Friendship has generously offered one of my readers a free My Painting Party kit! Enter using the Rafflecopter below.
Brianna's finished masterpiece. Having seen Bri work on this painting, Hannah is excited to have her turn. I will be buying additional canvases so that we can work our way through the whole series. I have found video art lessons to be a great addition to our homeschool, and I'm looking forward to sharing more beautiful works of art from my students with you.
You can connect with Choose Friendship, makers of My Painting Party on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram.
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