It's been almost 2 weeks since I posted. My phone died, and we had to replace it, so I lost some photos between my last download and when it bit the dust. But I'm happy with my new phone (it's my Christmas present), and I really love the case I got for it.
While Jack and Katie had play practice after school last Thursday, Hannah and I started transforming the library from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I had to go buy another garland. Note to self: just buy 2 every time. I used Crikey for the letters and bought the garland at Hobby Lobby. It's still a work in progress, I have to put up the paper ornaments that go with it.
Christmas books on display with December notable events.
At dinner one night, we noticed the ceiling bulging a little bit, so Paul started poking & peeling, and it was damp.
This turned into A Thing.
You know, right before that food holiday is the perfect time to have the dining room torn up.
I maintained my sense of humor by playing with the letter board while Paul ripped out all the damp sheetrock.
I'm kinda hoping we get new carpet out of this, but probably not. We're currently "letting things dry out" before figuring out what to do next, so I'll have a coffin sized hole in the ceiling for a while, I'm assuming.
In all the chaos, I decided we needed to put the tree up. We gave the cats a few days to acclimate to it, and Fiona has decided we're
Dreaming of a Calico Christmas, because she IS the ornament.
I know I say this every year, but how can artificial trees shed so much?? Josiah taking a picture of Fee in the Tree. Katie put lights on it, but we haven't added anything else at this point, since Fiona's still climbing it every day. Grumman can't get her when she's in the tree. He's too heavy to climb it. (She's 6# and he's 12#.)
Grumman discovered a garland and was having so much fun with it! He was so cute, burrowing into it.
School pictures are ready!
The school used a new photographer this year, so we weren't sure what we were going to get, but I'm pretty happy with them.
Some of the outtakes were hilarious--particularly of Katie, whose face will tell you if she's not impressed with you.
I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be more eccentric than I realized, since I wore this bright book dress to school on picture day, and nobody even blinked.
A mini-mural from Art Projects For Kids. I'm thinking about doing a big Christmas one at school.
Christmas books, mostly, in this week's library run.
I had a little "shopping accident" at Kohl's, and the library now has some new plushes and books.
Their $5 books and $5 stuffed animals in the Kohl's Cares program are quite nice. I got the Rainbow Fish Christmas book to go with this. Now I'm thinking I need some scale print scrapbook paper to Crikey up some fishies for a library craft project.
I have a couple of book reviews coming up, that I'm excited to share with you, and I'm hoping to let the kids do lots of artsy creating in the library this month. I got the Snowflake Bentley book, so we'll have to make snowflakes. Maybe we'll hang those in the windows...
The downside of seeing most of the adult kids in August is that none of them are coming home for the holidays. So, while I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, I was a little blue at not getting to share the day with all my favorite people.