A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Monday, July 8, 2013

I get to add something new to my medical repertoire.

I've often thought I should have some sort of honorary medical credential for all the weird stuff we've gone through around here. Goldenhars syndrome, allergies, mysterious swellings, infected salivary glands, chicken pox, costocondritis, concussion, eye surgery, amputation surgery, ingrown toenail surgery, skin graft surgery, burn care, pink eye, ear infections, the vast assortment of pregnancy and childbirth related conditions, speech therapy, music therapy, physical therapy, prosthetics, stitches, broken scapula, and more. With the addition of Katie, I knew we would be adding Amniotic Band Syndrome and club foot.  Little did I know we'd be looking at an array of services to help Luke reach his full potential. 

Our Doctor's office called. Remember the poop scooping tests?  Originally, she wasn't even going to order them, I had to ask, based on what I've read from other adoptive parents. Results are in, and Luke has giardia. Paul is off to a compounding pharmacy to pick up his prescription. 

I feel like I should get a patch for my mom vest for this. 


  1. http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/giant-microbes-giardia-stuffed-plush I think you need a stuffed Giardia...just for fun :)

    1. That is awesome, thanks! If you have to have a parasite, might as well be a cute one, right?

  2. Steve has had that! Says its miserable and painful. Hugs
