Anybody remember when I shared Homeschooling With a Cement Mixer? Today we took advantage of a similar opportunity.
We have a Construction Site within walking distance, so the boys and I set off on a walk to learn more about how houses are made.
This is one of the empty sites.
Since they're putting in an entire subdivision, there are several empty sites still.
After the pipes are in, they build forms.
The forms hold the concrete when they pour the foundations.
They had a couple of these little Bobcats working.
Moving piles of dirt and rock around.
There aren't any houses currently at the framing stage, so we'll have to go back over there when the newest ones get to that point. These ones have most of the siding on already.
I was showing the boys the various stages of roofing.
Naked roof
Roof with bundles
Roofs in progress
Finished roof
And finished roof with solar panels (these are solar homes).
Finished house
And SOLD finished house.
Along the way, not only did we have a nice walk and see interesting things, we also discussed vocabulary words like rebar.
We got to see a truck making a delivery, too.
We even stopped briefly in the model office to look at the floor plans and got to see an aerial view of the neighborhood.
When we got back home, we had trail mix for snack and then wrote about how houses are made, complete with drawings.
I'm planning to brainstorm a list of construction related words on the whiteboard with the boys, and then have them spell them out with the letter tiles. Things like nail gun, blueprint, hardhat, foreman, bulldozer, plywood, hammer, pipes, shingle, plumber, etc.