Whoosh! The weeks are zooming by faster than I can blog them!
Brianna is keeping busy with PT and future soldier events with the Army. She's also going to be one of the water girls for the football team again this year, and practices have started up, so I see this view of her often these days.
Monday, I took advantage of
Kids Bowl Free, and took the children bowling.
Hannah and Katie had never been bowling before. Hannah, with one typical hand, does just fine.
Katie, however, who is missing bits on both hands, had to come up with a creative way to get that ball rolling. I think as she gets older and her bits grow, she may be able to do a more traditional bowling approach.
We had a handful of tokens left from a prior visit, so Jack and I played air hockey, and Eli did
The Claw. (You have to say that in the Toy Story squeaky guys voice.)
The $1 movie on Tuesday was Kung Fu Panda 3, which I cried my way through. Kleenex warning for adoptive mamas! We decided Panda Express was the most appropriate lunch for the day. Good conversations were had in the car after the movie.
We've been going through lots of books this summer! Hannah and Katie earned a free book from the Summer Reading Program.
Jack just earned his free book this morning, so he'll pick one out next week.
And going to the library means playtime at the park, too, of course.
Grammy came for a quick visit. We took the kids to see Cars 3. They don't look happy, because they're waiting for me to get through the snack line, but everyone enjoyed the movie.
We decided to take Grammy bowling, too.
I don't imagine we'll go twice a week every week, but it's nice to have an indoor option for fun when it's 100* all week long.
Josiah went with us this time, too.
And Brianna, who had never been.
Brianna's boyfriend joined us for dinner after bowling. Despite the goofy face, he's a decent kid.
Saturday morning, we went to Farmer's Market. I love seeing all the different fruits and vegetables, of course, but I also like that there are eggs and breads and honey and nuts and flowers available. I taught the kids what some of the veggies are that they don't get exposed to at our dinner table.
When we went to Farmer's Market, we noticed a piano sitting out at the curb. I told Bri if it was still there when we came home, we could check it out.
It was still there.
It works.
It was free.
She wanted it.
So she's trying to figure out how to get it 4 blocks to our house, when these nice guys from
Vivint Smart Home stop and ask if she needs help.
They try to stuff it into my van, but the piano was too tall. So I drive over to the house and swap my van for Paul's 1988 pickup truck. Which I haven't driven in a decade. The kids didn't know I
could drive a stick shift, lol.
The nice guys got it loaded into the pickup, came to our house, unloaded it, and carried it in for us. My mom tried to tip them, but they gave the money to Jack and told him to give it back to her after they left. Nicest boys ever. Grammy said it must be a Christian company, but when I looked it up online, I realized they're based in Utah, so I'm guessing they were nice Mormon boys.
Brianna has been cleaning it up (it was in a garage for a long time), and we've all been playing on it. I taught Jack how to pick out Happy Birthday, and I've plunked my way through a couple songs out of Brianna's
Disney music book (affiliate link).
Grammy had a quick tea party with the girls before she headed back home. Eli discovered that Good Earth tea is really yummy! I think it tastes like cinnamon bears.
All in all, it was a fun summer week, and we're just going to try to survive the 100*+ temps all this week. Poor Wheelie in his fur coat. At least the breeze can move under him on the mesh patio chairs.
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