A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Fundanoodle I Can Write My Own Stories #giveaway

I've talked before about the track system at Hannah's school.  She goes to school for a couple months, then she's off for 4 weeks, then she goes to school for a couple months, then she's off for 4 weeks, rinse and repeat.  It seems like just when we get used to one routine, it's time to switch to the other.

Fortunately, Hannah has a very "roll with it" personality.  She likes school, and she likes playing with Katie, so either one is good, in her eyes.

When Hannah's class is "off track" and she's home with us, I include her in our learning time when possible.  One of the ways I do this is with Fundanoodle's I Can Write My Own Stories.  I Can Write My Own Stories is part of the Comprehensive Handwriting Development Program that Fundanoodle offers.

The activities in this book are similar to writing prompts, but with a drawing or coloring component to many of the pages.  As I've worked with Hannah, one on one, it's easy for me to help fill in any knowledge gaps that come up.  In the above page about gardening, it gave us a chance to talk about what foods grow on plants, and what kinds of plants different foods grow on.  Grapevines, banana trees, etc.

Each page has a place for a reward sticker after it's completed.  There are sheets of stickers in the back of the top spiral bound book.

One of the things I like about the Fundanoodle books is that it's easy to whip one out for a bite sized bit of work between other activities.  In fact, sometimes we even break up a page.  Hannah colored the tree on one day, and wrote the sentence on another day.

I Can Write My Own Stories is part of the green line of Fundanoodle products, designed for kids ages 5/6 ish, or roughly at the Kindergarten/1st Grade level of work.  Hannah is 7 (she will be 8 soon!), and I feel like this is a good fit for her as a fun, low pressure activity, where she's still learning and being challenged to be creative.

 "I like to walk from school and back with my Dad."  

I Can Write My Own Stories sells for $8.99, and contains 50 activity pages and 3 pages of stickers.  As a new Fundanoodle Ambassador, I would love to have you like my Facebook page to keep up with product news and giveaways!

If your kids are too young for this book, stay tuned!  Fundanoodle's products start at age 3.  I'll be giving away one of the items from the orange line next!  The orange line is for kids 3 and up.  Leave a comment and let me know which item you'd like to see given away next.


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  1. I had a book like that where I could write my own story and illustrate it and I loved it! I think my son is just about ready for one and I think he's really like it, too. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I remember spending hours drawing and writing and coming up with ads and cartoons and menus and all sorts of play things. :)

  2. I can remember Captain really liked these!

  3. This looks like a fun writing program for young kids who are visual!

    1. We're really enjoying it. Hannah sometimes struggles with being imaginative, so prompts like, "Come up with your own smoothie flavor." challenge her.

  4. Love your page! You and your family are an inspiration.

  5. Thank you for the chance :)

  6. Thank you for the chance :)
