A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Our Back to School Week

School has started!  I'm looking forward to us getting into our new routine.  Summer was such a whirlwind this year, I'm ready for some calm.  

This is Grumman's blankie.  I should wash it, actually.  He's like a toddler.  He snuggles it and bites and bunny kicks it and hides under it and sleeps on it.  It's adorable.  

Fiona, impersonating a water bottle.  I don't think Grumman is buying it.  

First week of school was HOT.  

There's a junk shop we pass regularly.  They had a display of ordnance out front one day, so we stopped to take a peek.  

I stopped mostly for Jack, but the girls were interested, too.  

Jack bought himself an ammo can from the Vietnam era.

Library books.  

As I quipped on Facebook, I just don't understand why no one has asked me to teach nutrition.  That's my breakfast.  

Nasty ottoman before and after.  I was able to pick the seams and use a smaller seam allowance and remake the not-quite-large-enough cover into one that fits.  

I dropped 6 boxes of clothes off at Goodwill this week!  I'm constantly pulling things from the girls' wardrobe (too short/too small/stained/ripped/tired of seeing it) but I rarely cull from my own closet.  This was good progress.  It's not my imagination when I say nothing fits, though.  

6:30 a.m. first day of school picture, courtesy of Jack.  We have to drop him off by 7.  


  1. That ottoman makeover is so cute!

    And this comment: "Fiona, impersonating a water bottle. I don't think Grumman is buying it." I laughed out loud!!!

    We're finally out of the worst of our summer heat, and I do not envy you those temperatures!! Here's to hoping for autumn. :)

    1. I'm really glad I had enough seam allowance on the first try to let it out a smidge. I was really disappointed when it didn't fit initially.

      Hannah is looking forward to winter; it's her favorite season. I tend toward SAD, so I'm not as excited about winter, but I'll be okay when we start needing a hoodie in the mornings.

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