Still learning, just a slightly more relaxed schedule.
No, this has nothing to do with school, but I'm pretty excited about it, nonetheless.
After weeks of no visible progress, giant leaps forward were made on the upstairs kids' bathroom.
Hannah tried out a new story on the iPad. I'm finding I need to come up with things for the girls to do individually for part of each day, otherwise they start fighting.
For Art, we did ARTistic Pursuits tomb walls project. This was fun, because it helped us imagine what it was like to paint on walls instead of on a table.
Eli did some of his "shading" work from a curious vantage point.
And the finished "wall."
Brianna and Jack played Ancient History memory (purchased from - affiliate link), which helped them review some of the things we've learned about this year.
Brianna was cleaning up her room and came across a box of pieces.
So she turned them into St. Basil's Cathedral
One of our activities in Moving Beyond The Page was to create mazes. Jack's face is indicative of the fate of the people who don't watch out for the scary traps in his labyrinth. Watch for a review for MBTP coming soon.
Brianna had more patience for the maze project than the boys did. She actually went over hers with pen after finishing the draft in pencil.
Hey, look! The bathroom is a color!
Brianna's summer reading program seems to be that she walks off with my review books as soon as I finish the reviews.
We're recreating Greek sea battle tactics. The playsilk is our "water."
I know it's probably hard to imagine an activity that involves boats ramming each other getting out of hand... but it did.
I've been having Hannah work through Art Projects 1
I was way too ambitious last week when I planned out our goals. This week, I'm going to scale it back a bit and hopefully I'll go over instead of having so many things left undone at the end of the week.
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