A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Love Letter from God book review and #giveaway

As we start boxing up all the Christmas decorations and folding away the Christmas clothes, it's not too early to start thinking about our next holiday, Valentine's Day.

I was asked to review A Love Letter from God, a hardcover book with fun shape cutouts throughout.  A Love Letter from God is another sweet story from Ideals Books.  In honor of Valentine's Day, Ideals Books has all their love books on sale 20% off through January with coupon code LOVE2015.

Other titles we've reviewed for Ideals Books include God's Amazing World, The First Christmas Night, The Sparkle Box, Can't Wait Willow, and Rufus and Ryan Go to Church.

In this book, author P.K. Hallinan weaves a rhyming demonstration of God's love for us with whimsical illustrations from Laura Watson, showing children of all colors frolicking about in God's Creation.

The little peek a boo cutouts serve to highlight small bits on the pages before and after the current page.

Amazon (affiliate link) lists this book for ages 3-8, which is just perfect for my little reviewers, who are 4 and 7.

Ready to win your own copy of A Love Letter from God?  Good luck!

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  1. I guess the whole Bible is our love letter from God!

    1. Love letter, instruction manual, cautionary tale, hope for tomorrow, and more. :)

  2. This would be awesome to have for my grandbabies. They are not growing up in church right now. I love to give them books like these to share God's love.

  3. Thank you for the chance :)
