A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

A large family, homeschooling, adoption, special needs, whatever strikes my fancy, sort of blog.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Stomp Rockets #giveaway

I had such a hard time getting my boys to wait for a sunny day to play with these!

Welcome to the third and final giveaway from 4Knowledge-4Fun!  Week one was the Kimmidolls, week two was Peg Stackers, this week is Stomp Rockets!

We received the Stomp Rocket Ultra set and the refill pack.

We went to the park and chose to set up inside the tennis court to reduce the chance of missiles going astray.

This was SO MUCH FUN!  A stomp sent the rockets flying.

Way, way up!

My boys took turns stomping, loading, retrieving.

If you look close, you can see I caught this one on the way up.  The lag time on my camera makes it hard to catch a time sensitive shot.

We spent a lot of time craning our necks upward and saying, "Wow!"  The rocket has gone all the way out of the shot in this picture.

Finally, the too cool teenager had to get in on the fun.

Yep, this is fun!

She really got into it, too.

I don't know about you, but this looks active enough to count as P.E. to me!  Running, jumping, catching, hand eye coordination, taking turns... all sorts of learning to be had here, without the kids ever suspecting.

And where were the little girls during all of this??

Watching from the safety of the bench outside the court.

Even though the box says ages 8 and up, we let Hannah, who is 7, have a try.  You can see the rocket is going up just to the right of Eli's hand.

Anything Hannah does, Katie, who is 4, wants to try, too.  You can see her rocket didn't get very high, but part of her issue is that she's balancing on her prosthetic leg while she stomps with her other foot, which is an awkward movement for her.  I'm sure she'll get better at it as she gets older.

Are you ready to win your own super fun Stomp Rockets?  US only, please.  Prize will be shipped after Christmas.

Be sure and stop by 4Knowledge-4Fun's Facebook page and give them a like to say thanks for partnering with us to offer these three great giveaways!  And you'll want to check some items off your holiday shopping list at their storefront, too.

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  1. Legos and Minecraft. Because they are so original. :D

    1. LOL! We have had Legos under our tree many many times over the years. :)

  2. Replies
    1. It's so funny that they're back. I remember trying to find plain shoes when Zach started walking, and being frustrated because everything was Barney, dalmations or TMNT.

  3. My granddaughter has requested a Baby Alive

    1. I wish my girls were more into dolls. They have some, but they don't really play with them all that much.

  4. Replies
    1. Fun! Eli wants a programmable rover. Similar idea.

  5. American girl doll accessories, puzzles, and duplo's for the little ones.

    1. Last year, my girls got doll stuff. I won a Maplea GC, and got them some outfits. :) There will be puzzles under our tree this year, too.

  6. Your pictures showing the different children launching the stomp rockets are just great. I believe playing with them should count for a P.E. activity as well. I do not think I am fast enough with a camera to catch a rocket in the air.

    1. I take a *lot* of pictures when I do a review shoot. There's bound to be a few good ones in there, right? ;)

  7. Replies
    1. Audra, did you see that you were my winner for the Noah wordless book? Please contact me! http://grtlyblesd.blogspot.com/2014/11/audra-who-likes-hippos.html

  8. Tablets for the older boys, a sewing machine, a bike, toys for the littles.

    1. Oooh, a sewing machine! That's a gift that will be appreciated for a long time. How old is your seamstress to be?

  9. My daughter isnt yet two so she didnt make her own list but I know she would really enjoy a kitchen set to play tea with her cousin

    1. Adorable! I've been thinking my girls need some more play dishes for their little kitchen set.

  10. My 3 year old little boy is asking for ice cream :)

  11. My son wants anything with monster trucks :)

    1. One of my big boys used to love monster trucks. :)

  12. The two adult girls want gas cards,restaurant cards and movies cards. The two teenage girls want clothes and shoes. The little boy wants trains and tracks and trucks.

    1. Yeah, I just got asked for gaming cards. :/ There's gotta be some better way to spend time and money.

  13. My son really wants a play football helmet.

  14. We don't have kids yet, but both my nephew's want Legos. .Shocker. :-P

  15. legos, a tomahawk for the boys, anything minnie mouse for the girls

    1. A tomahawk! That's creative! One of my kids asked for light sabers.

  16. She's too young to have a want list. She's getting a playhouse.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  17. My son wants Legos, and my daughter a toy airplane. DamianMom at yahoo dot com

  18. Replies
    1. Wow, ambitious! It's a great age to start an instrument. I wish we'd done more music.

  19. Skylanders Trap Team & legos for the boy (he turns 9 2 days before Christmas so his lists run together) The teenage girl wants clothes.

    1. December birthdays are hard. Paul's is in Dec, too.

  20. I will have to say Legos

  21. Skylanders are on the list this year.

    1. I hadn't seen those before (had to Google them). :)

  22. My children have requested Skylander Trap Team and a science experiment kit.

    1. I'd love to hear what science kit you pick. There are some great ones out there! My bigger kids are too old for the Magic School Bus kits, but they're perfect for Jack and Hannah. (7 & 10)

  23. My 4 year old wants a Leappad Ultra for christmas.

    1. Shhh! There's going to be a Leap Pad under our tree this year, too. ;)

  24. It would depend on which child! Anything Olaf for the youngest, anything Legos for the next, anything Skylanders for the next and Shadow Zoomer for the oldest(we can't have a dog right now, which she desperately wants, so this is the next best thing to her!).... Really they will be thankful for anything though <3

    1. Oh, I saw cute Olaf stuffies at the mall. :)

      Thankful kids are the best. :)

  25. My daughter has been wanting an Elsa doll from Frozen

    1. I'm really grateful my kids don't usually go all movie theme on me. We have a couple of Frozen water bottles (cuz I needed 1/kid on our summer road trip) but I think that's as far as it's gotten here.

  26. My kids want robots and minecraft! Oh, and one asked for candy canes! ;)

    1. Mine are eating candy canes right now. Before dinner. Good mom, right? :eyeroll: I bought 3 boxes 2 days ago and put them in a jar in the front room. I'm guessing they'll be gone by the end of the weekend--but there are 8 kids here, so...

  27. My daughter loves American Girl dolls and recently wished for a Lego Friends set.

    1. We were at the mall, picking up our family pictures, and I saw the Lego friends and thought that Hannah might be about the right age for those.

  28. Lego, xbox, juggle bubbles. No real consistency in their requests. lol

    1. I haven't heard of juggle bubbles; I'll have to check those out. :)
